Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1915, p. 2 (2024)

uwuih iii aoion en monday lwamher hill lo mr uml mm klolnitl uiiwln n fcon ikanh in vnttfu an humuy wovahihar jul to mr unit mr milton donna it died fjooruotowti on tuoaday lio- ootuhar till org if ulna in liu 73rd ymr brakdull at flualidi oh tjunday dacanv ur fltli mury onrry wlf of ir 1 m utamlmi tuuat niagara full m wadnaaday iumidiw htli hmlla wiffl of a k italri akdojer moltumtat iii lrnnn at 10 lrt una krln on krlday iacnm1r loth noll uolaan in lib n7lb yur lauk in oaoruttnwn an rfurlay dao araher 2nd mury jnn tkar wlfa of thotnaa lake iinl oh year- fcfofc retail jfm jtes tiiurbday ihokmlltiml 10ia edito h smmimd raduatlona in tha arraua far drunkannau it th report from ilagln alno tli nw law went into affaob in saskatchewan ah bar r oloaad with only 23 oovarnmant controlled khopa ult in lb provlnoa two in rogina it wu on tb arab of july tliat th bar war cloaed ami uta arreet for july auguat ami euptambar compared with th mum period of 1014 vera a followat raalna 1014 20 1 lufllna ims 2 mooea jaw 1du sol moot jaw 1010 74 ittttohhi to canada forharuu of grain llva atock and taaal bav baan anoajulon- ally hug tbla aaaeon ao far up to nov- anther qut tli weat minna had raoelved 12000000 or isooooooo bukhala of thia over 110000000 wu for wheat thar arauu 120000000 buthela of wheat to hip from th waal and it will doubtleea b ab auadlly advancing prlo laet year up to tha and of demtulwr returna war only fa0oooooo and two year ao only 123000000 aa an exporter of uaata canada iaa mad an tnoaurajrinp raoord tlila yaar to october 30th tha total nor nwy i0u was 82000000 pounda valued at i0oo60l liar ai porta ol call inoraeeed 04000 head tha total bolno lfljooa hill la ona of tha chief raaaone why merchant trad through gonad la aipandlng the amd now editor paxa paiea dear 81 n vorvmi tlrri i liav bam reading with conelderabta intateac tli eon trovaray ftolng on betwaan our fcauaoied bobool itupeotor and tha editor of tha ulltod ohauplon on thadlffarnetaiwm tka old boott ace of thltty yaare aa and thd ouuda abiprajioa act of tha praaant day and u om who haa iliad through both partodi i would ilka to say a wottl or twa u to th dlnaranoa 1b nay opinion of tk two aou not u to th pahlcutar wdnllnjfof th two afita ao tanch a to th thaufta ftl tamllag and matiuant of th fan public ivot only in tlila county bw of canada alon but all ovar thuhol woru th wof tmparno ha baan rolling oa and cloting in on th old pro- vluoa of ontario until wa loo tutut join th rank and uamh on with hdhu th uslud 8tata our own wattam kvoviruua and uany othw oounuua all of which hav takan up th bannar and ar euroh lajz oa lo vklwj boplnsf and biavlnjf that th day i not far dutant wla thla cui wbub u rulnlok ao many of th hrobt and u will b wlpad otf th fa oi lbl fair lravla ol odra nnw as to th ehanoa fa th 0nd vkuparatu aac of today ovr th soott ae of 0 yara ajo tiyday puula twit uaak all or thia county la urraly la favuroluipfab6lasokdforni thlr- ly yu aj4 tha oatl act had no tuofa baakux today i uluv that tu km bbndrad ol poiu h thu ooubty who will wok and vot for umphaa who 90 yaara aj0 kapt a deantr rj wklly m thjr aidaboatdj all tha yaar round and if lb aet u fin in thl oadbty ai i or- taisly ballau will h pwaod ootlld teak u uiu that th uw will not b taloroad 1 bltf rft ulh i odr gmntyjbdc and th uafutmta undr bin to aa that uv inoi ol aay kid will jo tbalr jtue daaatri yba yod talilafc raiiifciiihtr that thuty yam ao w lad ova forty boul kaapar id thl oodnty who waaw all fljhtintf tot khoft boa p and att way uvutf tthlay thalr uuubara ar j rajwa1 to tblttaaa why at that unm w had bju boula rhiht in lb 11uu yow i of oakvllh vuday with 1u popuialiad u0c thaa doublai thar at oaly two and tf i wlauw not th 6ukrol january will aa both of ihau uhjhty aailoua to aall 6l liilrty jftart ago th houl kmpar pah e king dodda th allvw toatfuad orator to a ulkt to apuk in wary puhllo hall in th oounty oa ptnonal llharty brltlab fraadou and wholkof ooiwy rot foday i vantur to nay that any baas uktntf that aund would gt a wlfthty poor vaoapuoaln thl eounty tvdywllh pttuldaantluutttaadaluoatthaaauhpraa aloor bakthohai0plohofoouraiiop ad w ar bound to win that u ou thldtf about tha ejltor ol th champion i no pairaaii can aooua hint of halhjf a turn- 6at sor ovar thirty yaar hill ha navar wavarad an nob and any llttl fcethack th vaaiparanoacanhaivirhiji houattar bow faraway baa baan faithfully raoordad in th column ol bf paiwr ahan aflaln thar wa anothar elauant th tawparano pmd bad to oonund with thirty yaart ao wa had madioal buta who would qiv old topar iwaaerlp tloau for whulay ivery day in tha waak thu x know waa partkuhuly oowuott lo oabvllla tolay s vntur to ay you oaauot find m riootor la th county who would dagaad bla profaaaton by dolrijf any auob lowdowa work i waidulntf buftlnt a drtttt in thoa day and tk boulbeap ra had to tuova pretty eaualouijy and aaerat algna war nfroaaury to l at all on lb aid hut with th halp ol a aaarab trap door in tha floor aom of tit old one war halpad a little tbor la no doubt that whukay waa kapt and aold to m law truaty on on tha q t but today 1 da itat ballav that la a oomar la thu bounty wbara nuh bunlnaui oould tbrlva for any uegth oltlma thabklntf you ur editor lor th ua of your valuaua iyr in tbl important crlala lrvataln your truly tutkravitu uuton poo 10th 101k actom municipal c0dmcil joint commutaa of coiiholl and cltlzon to otvo propor ftwop- tlon to roturnlnp soldier the dink leased to j h watson iinoll ml in rtfiilar naaalon on mon day atmiliitf t h oahkok all llm mamlirh wrr prautnt uva ilyml in tha chair tim cominlllaa on vlnaiia iraaantd thalr twonty baooml wjiott ami raoam- ihooiimi payment nf aooounl aa follow ufjkiiai auiu htu tolinlnhmin imiiw im 14 00 1 it aunnu ituuion umirt clerk tl k hicbell ira auliittuuhara a i kuen aurvayliik aoton tumilnjf co aunnlt uiiiiltordmeii irnnttnltnovn 14 00 44 00 moo 3 b0 i 0 10000 2000 sji2 4 kfuthil i h tallmaii ilraas bt metal co uiv pll j harden ft ban tuppllaa vunllila conduit co auppllaa 0 244h 2 bo ltt3j 1 42r0 tim mjuirt ui ailoptad tha uhual dylaw providing for th ol ac tion or tha kaovo oounolllora ami roliool trunlaaa wan pawad and tha proclama tion prntara want on i a rail to itajaiuad john r wutun appllail for um of lb akatlnif rink proparty for tlia aaaaoti tliappiioatloii waa granted tha ranul talup ixajl at m00 for th aaaaon kmv ilynda nugjtad th naoaulty of appainllniraoottimlttaaof oltluna to pro vide aaua fitting raotpllon to anton aotduraratumliia front tli war all th niattihara of tha council conourrod in um uffffaatlou movad hy murray modonalj moondad by w ii uraltl that tha rollowlnff cltl- ua b and ara haraby appolntad to ant with th counoll whanavar tha oooaalon ariaatoblvaaauitahipuhllo raoaptlon lo ibaaoldlarawturtilfiflt from th war who havoaulutad or will 4nlltt from aetna uaaar john r kannady uao ifavlll john cauaron a t ilrown capt a o t saardmora p iiandanon u p p u iindarm w u cooper ii p ilonr luv j a wilaon ii a luv if w aviw u a n i nv a ii is smith u a and liar vlhr doyu canrlad counoll than adjournad a uaatins of th couinlttaa wu bald i upon th adjouirnwant of th counoll ruvi llynda wualaotad ofaalroun and j if p uoora j p baotvtary it wu dacldad wltaravar toalhl totnaae each returning aoldlar upon hi arrival and tandar hlu a aullahl raeaplloh it waa alo daoldad to prvutnt aatb ol th mldiara whofnlutadrom aeton wltb ttatlwonlal from tha oltlian upon hi raturu aa aavaral aouiuira hav alraady vaturuad without any onlolal racaptlonltwudafildad to liav a publlo r04ptlon in th town hall for tha on fuaaday 4i january swackhambb vs hbmpbbsom bwmkhamora claim ur 420 duo from battturiflrj oh sobodl cdhtrit was blflallo wed by ttis j0by th only ou in th county court and quartar sauloh at uilton on tuaaday waa th much talkadof eaa of 8 waebhatnar va ifandrwin in which ii a swaokhifawr of acton auad d a ilaodaraon ol aotod for 81 jo ajugad to 1 du to hint la can hoc t ion with th contract for th aiaotloo of th addition to aouui school lu 1011 at th opaalng ol tli court ghahty wabttar inforoml th judg that thar war no critnloal ciaa for haarlog aj only on civil oau th swath ha mar va ilaodaraon caw which waa ae down to h baard liafor a jury ilia honor th jud rduikd ou th vidaoo of th ahaaoo of criu la th county iatheaaln qua i hu it a fiwaek haidar elalnud that wba b found hltd- aalf in atnliaraahd fldanilal clromnlnoa and loduoad ix a ilabtlaraoa lo uk otrw hu ooauaci tot th trutlod ol lb thra- roaiaadajdltloaloth afihooj that had thwou bad aotployaj bio a auparlntad- dnt ol th work and thoh bothltift bad baa aald ahodt twnunaratioa b cadlur ad hu awvioaa worth 60 6ata par bourand cbargad up hi tint frooj jun 24 lb until jauuary lotli making lu all i4m hout at that rmta if had workad avwy day u- twaan th two data aaoapfnat aotod abow day and chrutnu day oa lb aahool ua- traotb alidad iiaddrob olalmad thab bad uoounal ly takaa ova th eonut a bd aeto behool board anj it a flwaivhantai but that th work want oa th uu u ii thar bd baad m thail la tb paaaoanal bf tb i ooatraetor ii draw th bonay irod th board u th work pmgraaaad and paid all bill with th uudatttandlptf that what- 1 swar profit was rajrt from lb oantraci would ba luutdad ova to swaokbauar th ouloom waa that lutuad of any pro fit llaadarioa liad paid out about tioo ovar th contract ptlo ol 14200 aftartb wliol aftaraaon bolajr apaat la th asaulnatloii ol wltaaaua arguhuntky llitaapwtlioouna aud tha charg ol thajuds th jury want out at 7 so in th vnlug thay roturaad in about an hour thalr flndlnd halnjj that iiadaraoa wa blly th contractor and that bwaok haioar bad baaa fully pahl lor hla aarvloaa yhla vardlot was favorabl to iiudroa aa it rallavad bin of fiwuekhauat claim rorfisodu th jud daoldod that aaeh party ahould pay bl own coala a j uafiklanon aotoa aoud aa aaua- aalforiiaudrioabnd j llradat uutoa farhwaokhauar honob roti 0rthb schools undntr ortho puplla in all tho deparimonu public ccosih0 bay dec 22hd ifiuil ticttiuit hkrxuruinr ftllum iii oium i a oltrlaii p harvay c ilrown m wilaoit citmliu uolau c auv maaalaa ii mowit u holt v ifarvay j wiim m hmltli mowat uishmt in 1hyalca- d llarvay i in ijiiiii a ollrlan in cliotnuuy a ollrlan vauu ii ciaual o mowat o aiitlnraon m clarrldu- it drown m loouf d suwart m karly m biawart a orr l kanntdy ciau iio a a uoloml w jotiiutona cliu iiiw row it iunk a snydar w uoivmali raad ii plank ul in latlno uowit i tnuout- phy o anaw in arithmstla f daraoa pllum i claun i b kurkwan k pubvr p olbhoni u rounaon v joa o tmr ii karly u maxalaa v omilh ii ititohla i cmwrord a martin l uo ponau o uolauahlln w willlam j kannady a johtutnns a wataon b molam clu iih kannady o uoor clam 1iib ueltaae i oaupball u uokvoy ii llunlar j alun u col j hynda iriflua in utlnh panvi in aljrabra k pubw i in arithmatlo k suikwan t la rranohk puftw w ii 8rfcwaftv prinelpal p 7 luttlth aaalaunl ickw uouaat dariat uttwr sh iv jaaal uowat 1b0 laabal tlllott 192 tlu btawart im clara nockwan 145 mall olbbon 143 kmwa barn 14 ja iv a dobu 314 stuart ilortott 201 clara outuna 105 oharli amlaraon 102 uakwall kail ik0 willi btawart iftfl total 878 no oa roll ii bauwirtvtaaehar sx iiibabra nalaoa vlolat dai st icatbar btarkuan 112 arthur bantoam0alojauw kb pavld had jataoawu j a hi branou hura 006 jaaa uohat 07d tiaortr uuhop 074 johnny rohartm vji jordan lawaoa hid jaaal andaraoa 240 total 75 no on roll ba h wiime taaebar su ii jaaa kannady lih llaorg drown 144 not btu is4 ulunl dulr oaors rudman ami donald km- uady 111 mary bloukllo iso mart uowat iso total ids ja 11uargahu rydar 181 mallu hall im ulruw cllffcj and jaaau uo mahb im agau uiu 140 k1ii vaom- isa total lofl kaoaroll60 u uutui tuobar sa i oaorg holloway 08 luxry oouatala ui ciarano uahoook 2flj wilfrw1 uorsaam 25j oaors hutton sao bidnay bosltli 240 ja i ulna bat u0 uyrtl uyjr s00 lynd smith 307 elm ooulat liol uadalin uaaau 2d i albart wlbjtut 379 total ua ko on roll 4j u vaimti twaohar baxtoa paiuk cilaa a uatlbaw tyhw ouv cooper halaa uodonald jo uurat prank gib bon eujttt uopharaou cuiu r iforrl stark man clara bav- aa udoa uoraaaoii chatlu ball tu laahy ran young culwu wilroa rud wlliu baboook vw1 kwina willi lltu u a black twhar jttvlob patlllua claaa a mary btawart vrank kallay vtaraao barr halaa ook jobs liana oocdod hubaiaa culm b ujaa oraan rau oaljall haaal jau vranlt uouoway lwrl baa aallaraad clu 0ba4 oduhv haaalcauwall arthur ijtaadanoa aanu plaobab johauy uatsmdd ktmxaaferu a wluoh twjw wadnaajay pad tiaj u eloalajr day au at cudhuly invltaj to vult lba aohool la th ajumood tmhaoaweya tilh hamilton bpaotatortooawyaith popular approval of tpaolal rcflulatloaj to kaap tkaaoldlan undar trajnlnft out of taaiputloa bu lad tnany u cluiau who baratofor baa not evn uuob auantloti to th uwpamnoa quaation to woadar wbatbar tha proviso la not rip for a ehau radical u that which bu tup arvauad in ruaala carulnly th vot that would b cut in lavor ol problbltloa outright would b larfrar id ontario loday tbah evar bofora you cam live oh tiiib one p00d thar i on food that contain all th alomanta naeaaaary to auatalu ufa on food that you can llva on for an ndadnll clodarwikaeplukoodhaallb it la dr ikwmauotrumblaal tit parfaouy bal- anoad food it contain all th aurnant naoauary to build tlaan and kaap th itowal mumu hlv and atrontf it will aiaurtdly bouaflbyod wbatbar you aatlbonahday wrut all maala maka th towahlp couaoll uat yaitrday to wind tap lb baainaa tl th yr wardaa oamphall praalda at th ht bmaalaatollb gouaty counoll tomorrw and will anbartald th uaba at th au dual wardaa auppar la th afranlnif t1 opaalajf and dadloauod ol th uw lhauavlfalhjiatohurob ami tb vloas in coaoactlod thanwllb bav ba kdot atuplolou and auootajul th fin bw atruottir wbldb u gfaatly adtdlrad by avmyhody bu bd crdwdad at ob tuaoolv mvloa th aaraaat iiruifihi od sunday by uv j u uabalfl u a th prajjaat ol kaulltoa confarinc wr battfib anjoyad tbaw ax kfat anturlpa- tloa ol plaaaur and praflt frou th aar- baod anuounoaj foa nit sunday by itv o w barkar oualpb bacraury ol ooa- faratto and major wllllaua ol lb ca- tadary church hamilton tb dadioatory aarvka conducted by praaldant uobaln war iwpraujt and lutarawlhif tb church choir ramlarad avaallaat iuuaj tb apladdid banqtmt en uodday van- last attfaoud au audlanc which taiad tb oooifanodlou adloo to aaoiamojat it wa a tout aajoyabl luutlou tb fowl auppar inoludad all lb dalntlw for which lh ladla of khanaaar church ar atnoua tb manu wu auborata prold and bvaatly anjoyaj th profrawbm which wu eoatluuad until altar taldnlgbt waa highly lataraatlng tb addrca by hav t fa wllkloaon rav tbouu auy and otbar forwar paator and frladd4 el tb i oottjrragatloa took tb talud back to th faniiairdayaandlmldanuoluuingtataraab j tb aotoa uathodut bumlay school orchaatr gav a apladdid hat ol nnubaht prof karris ol toronto brought oat all tb uunb uualoal kw of lb flu nw organ uiu hall ol qualpb and ur t uoavthur ol lowvllu aaag awaat aoloa i j uaa wabatar torodlo gav a btuabar of i okoallanb raadlub and maatar adair braj- i ford a a boy alttgar axoallad tb vant waa on of lataraat frota atari to claa was found guilty op larceny jh campbell cottvloutl by judgo etlllott but tlboratod on sua- m ponded sontenoo arson trial0rtl4th ov january j it campull who waa committed fur trial on tho charga uf lainany mwl nnon a ooupl of waaka ago waa triad ha for judtca rlliotlat milton on monday nn the ohargo of thalt of nrtlolm bclonulng to d a handaraon a uumhar of wltiimmm wtro cwomlnihl nml campltall wau found ullty in ilaw at tha com pari lively aninll talno of tlia artlola proven to havo imii atolaii and tha foot that tha aocuaad hail apant naarly two woaka alraidy in jail tha jmlga ru oil hltn on uuikaudad aoniaiio aftarcharg i it t him atronilv and rumlndlnjf hlni that ha waa on lilu good itolmvlor tha hearing of tha cliarg of uttitig flm to handaraoni aaw mill wltlohwtiadaatroy ad on th 1 4 th nowamltar waa ioatikntl until tha 14 ill january winding the clock follow thia byatam and vou may oat mara accural tim vou imuiut oociiru llu boat aotrvlc from n iimmi wnicli nr t lock quloaui yoti tiiiiin liow to tvlud lliam ao an o cuua iho icdut wcur and irrogularily lu i hair diiuiilii uiiicliluory a unlcli vhoiih be wound nt tho miuio tliu orory dny ii u i lowed to run dun or own ahiioul do ho aud thou wound up uutll it trill not hi ml un further it uunot do ua iwrfccl worlt na n wntcli ihnt u nut nllowod in run to lia full cuiuiclly ur wound up until ii in su ilflht tin ii an b ttuido ii n watch u wonml luilh niuruliiu and ofoulug nt nlumi ilia unuio duur aud iho luy u rjuoli unlj cinntidi tunm lu wind 11 a llillo ivuu hum liulf luil it could b viiiuml llio unitli tlll run mora evenly wenr miiili luimur and keep wore accuralo tlmo ilniu if ii in wound up llubt ouco u dny a watch sprlum will i loucar if ll i wound when there it llio cad ax rem of laniparalurv mid iimruliiu ami evnlug nt of court tlia hl in that ripcl it la uuira or loan ilnmjertuu tn wind a watch duriug a iicary rtcclrh uiimu aud it la beat o nvokl wind i up wlillf ou an ctrlc car an algbt day clock aliouhl it wound twko a wek at au regular rlo4lj au poaalbla lo aaciim hi tcul rcunlla navar allow lb clock ruu ilowu aud if poaalbla do not wlmf it tnilll h i light lartj by exparlaur jut how many tunim ol tb key it inkou lo wind hie clock to run clalit day and lliou ulifii half of tha wb la guiio ivlml ttiv clock by giving iho toy jual hnlf na many turna aa it would roqnlro lo wlud it all tha way mora accural lime will ba bad and it will avoid purlun any of tha part in a train which u fracittaouy lb caua of good rlnckn fclldff oat lu hum particular bfor tbay bav aarvad half a long a ihry kboold a llttl aluullon to llila advlc will tdjttbn lba llf of any watcb or cluck and maka it a bat tar tlmaplac a fahousmiser caafca oud waalthy afur a llf af patty saving ami trlekary tbatuaa cook known oa th lallng- tat ulaar uft at bla dnlli nwr than ifimlooa khla whol llf waa on of um ury patty saving and patty trickery ua wad it a bablt in ordar to cm taoala for uolhlug to fall in a prtndd st in front of a itona nt dinner tlni and ou raeovarlug ho wouhl uaturally ba invited to ahara lb iut which bo alwaya did aftar th proper amount ot protaatatloa oflanu would pr4ud to tbawa kind paopl that tbay bad sav ed bla ufa would maka a graat fuaa ovar thaa and tall tbui ba intandad to ranimbj tbm or ibab chlldraa la tlawlll ona btaa a poor rulton owaalooal- fy aatie him ituall prvuaia of uhfaf thia angarad cooka wb uu to bliai why fcnj ua inch drlbhtta yod wbo ara lo gat tbonuud and thoiiainda at uy dtb band ma flrkhj th firkin and aavaral mora wra aant but naltbac thia legacy nor nay of tha otb ara cam to raalliy uka many man ahrawd id patty way ba wa eailty dacaivaj la blat ter out of hi unn una tbua ooca whd bht bora waa alck ba waa too mean to pay a iwra doctor and nakad ndrka of a quuek who told blta ba iiitiht laka thirty nulona drill a bo throtisb aacb put thaui on a itrlnat put ilia uaeklica around tb bora nab ml lat it tuy ibara tha axpanaa nf thirty ealona waa too uucbl ba boushl tmaau and wbau artr many day thay bad aarvad tlialr ruirpo ba took i haw to tha aarvuut aud ordarad bar to maka an onion porrldga tor tha dayv dlanar- ukcbauia hsmamad taathaawrdw an tffactlva tooth luwdar which can u alwaya twonunaiulaj i toad a follow ona ouuca of praclpliaiad chalk half an ouuca of carbonate of aada half an ouuca at powdorad orrh root uu walllogailurnndpaaatbrea tlmo tbjwigfa a alova iuce in a bat tl nr in una unlit vaqulrad foe uaa th cajfboaat of aoda ratnovea tbr craaaa from tb taeiii and pravutn ila- cay and tb pawdrad orha root koap- tb gtiua baalthy vaaf in hamh tfaoaa flab will coat you juit i0 aplaea aald lba bali wardau aa lie caught a dlaelpla of itaak walton pur suing bla nport out of aaaaou oreatr tmeldltuad tb nabarmau bandlngc ovar tha uiouay ulra uvo n racalpt plcaae kow lha boy will htifm to bal lava ma wuau 1 tall thaw what i eauarbt patch 11 m wldaw with llv huabaritf when an oiliertvu induairloua ond faarlnjr aud couauohiie limd of a rura lly tnakaa up ifu mind to go in tar wi ltlca bla wlfo would juki na well maku up bar tnlnd tlmt rh la going to bttva a toueb of tha chiwrlanra of balng a widow with h lira buabaud vumh vuuu aubaorlptloh raitawahi for loi0amoolngldwlthgratifylagvoiam tnoai dflllclou portwga hn evtokad ao- i wakavanotyab daoldad wbu tb aim oordlug to dlrtlooi and not allrred m utttt an j alwinakmasaaadlngly laaty and wbola- l5 4 jf ranawala durinif ftotaaboualiahlnrf j daabr at laaat wlulaaoaaptcd at tha iv jankaw raeaan uaal ptavaat la- dlgaatloo and will rail eonratlpaiiott or monay back 10 eaata and us pant at grnoara mad by rowan uaal oa taroata willing t b studiaj what la that cluu of girl dolngr fltndylnjf foaalla wall v uaad loolijaci in belnu call d ona but i uuea ill own up tu it ow t and yla a ribbon on tha shoval ur youngbhdo tu hlml ttlrlintxt mary youd balttr acrtib out llio imt- tan of tba coal bin tic nwtl u corn lnj to day boatou tvanhprlpl tlaktotloraaortabalwtyatobablatc annalrong tbbutbarwboaotu a cbapaiba taatbbmaarla daarataa we haive secured the choicest novelties in the market for the tradt this will bo the storm centre of chriutmns buyinr shop early when the assortment ip bent henderson co mill si acton onl iffloewooooaoooooo where your money goes the farthest j devcrells christmas sale a me tturf mens silk neckwear in xmas gift boxen j3c stc y8c neck scarf in bilk bandanna and wool and mlk 6c ysc 1m 16 tu men sox blarlc caghmere ilk and wool ribbed plain bilk and wool and alloilk in good weight 3sc to a pair mens negligee shirts the largest anortmunt you have ever bad to choose from and all beautiful the piico is mc 69c 89c m i 25 sisa hats and caps hard and soft hats in every style and at sale price caps with real fur lining in every shade 4c tsc t to is mmm w mens gloves in tan cuitfl woo lined silk lined and mocha m 125 lmlm mens fancy sets braces in beparatc xmaa gift boxeu xmi boxes containing braced arm band and garters to match xmas boxes containing tie armband and gartcra to match xmas boxes containing armband and garters xmas boxes of ieiarite nrticleu such as tien armband braceu cull but tons tie pins tie chp3 leather pine holders containing a pair of armband leather bell holders containing a pair of armbands see my window au space will not per mit me to specialize half the xmau gifts you can buy here equally ai good w liavo a tpleudld working boot for men which uttiada by lba william bboe co of brampton our apaulal flna boot ara made by lloldao regal and crliplncraft jlanufaxlurara tlieaa people hava lba itiuat uptodata laolorlca in canada today we alo guarantee tutlafoctlou in all our lino rollihe of all kind our motto la tapleana tha public i lo aall at tha lowaat prlca pr do repairing wblla you wait call on ua lor your xmaa gift aa wa i hav in extra good una lu for tbe ea kenney bros browns trees the beat that can be pro our agent in your town r mown alhothalubl oo huiaerymcu limited awuattd oowoua illn aiilniliirmi m ht jhdl- cljmrli a tin it u a vtson tvfa id mlnlur riiif rt tiri itttlt chrlinn rin n m i i li i in imulc hllllj flh am ilia d lycprjnx from on llluli i m v 11 uyliou tho oilmr wiaa mm a in i in i lr t hmii mum by l iltihldlioiii a m i rniim i i m o i i il i hy w ii hllllnurr huiitluy iiliukji nt a io ui tlw nriinioon all uulcoaate noi ifk a clou ifoiijar iuuiiti u vfiuvtliurdiv an i friday of aaoli wm i mllimn uu ii ii uoiiuwav liroiraalor foukii 10 un d a llmkla koun1 wlillaliiarkan i ult owuwr eau lia mini liy trorlnu n rty ami rtua wut w c dkvbilptr aoicii ouurle muff h0ijni alluk muff ou aetau roaro4 on monday avanliiir pindar u1v roovr liy oallluj i karl imuau otflsa j jo w4yhom jarloit fltovk for 15 arlpl olua tarlnw eoal hova in puutt con llllnu vl 141 l4uu jill aall lor g3 fjo cmli ila a ttiill ovn a lratlii uauuaiiaill veudlii actou notico to timispofihcr ii ara utlotlr fouitjjn front tr4 ii m roiu ila ui i ma tin alo lot u tlu lialua a ll pa jl rwtii ami van vi ha 13lj jotlmii iiknnktt kuctmtful jlaify ihistncrs vou hakh 11 ai th aetan italirr ijriala hjr with ilia tnoltl bl til bajatmi will illalareunualilahuura aall uixiucxtodt- wediih o invitations nriuionu i rlulad n lha earrant quli u en 1 rady tvu i vbv tuu ated adllaj ly tie big in tot iii h cli mil ultarj ilia taiiia lbd rwriiitfla lnvitailana rr auiioih4tiina la- u ui niii rovumrta lalujl akl i d uri u lictnii luuij at vhih iavja cldto an foil alik n llaln flivw wltti laraa i al wjuf null urn llalaj- biiick reiltfl 1 l turd eltiluiloliii rfcuulatiailof din dlnla naoui bllnliau aud 4tulrr wrumlaliml lout ujumo an i slomtt untlm twn callaa with laimaa ili haiifir tlmuulii llaaija aad eihar tuni- tnaaluiut uaw fur sal vtut niairllauuta ajv- i m r udju ukcitulth wantko til ill titjiuitly iln tliir autv ant ul ai tar iatilrlo iufucaol itit ir liruiv ilulrcauplry an i thair blnj lolll rour lu own lawn l- plf lo iiliiot colio oluaiiino auction sale tha umlcriljinail will aell liv public au lion lor i i caldui ll ilia uhal of ih uqci in hu iiora un mill birmi acion on sayuttoav dkokhukh lth aijoclocu com prlil fit haahlnji machloaa chfrnlcal ciomii lag hodarl cow tannchtaun roollnrj ikhlcra novai crm uptraion buftay jack amarv grlniura luy tcilt rnp barn daot iraklng and tnnuera wliuiliri and nack loba i mu cunar a lot of ucood hand bamaa and miny oilr artklaa terms all auma of tio and utuur cub ovar ihil amouni four month cradli on approiil joint note six par cant par annum off lor cash uaffrfj ffctom f a ucleto clatb auauaa notice tcttediron8 f u tba hauta 6x tb ibut of obak lottat clai uta of tba vtu ot atau tu tba county of halta uplktmuv daaaaid i v cliaiturltilil n o ibllbiiallatufr jalialiavinulaliui aualml ilia ulu ol iam cfmlrtio claib who oiaj no a utmut dili day nnwtiubtr m at wquuaj ou idv iioi wiul i nr dtillvr to a j uaiulauan nl lba ol aclou hollolior w a ta ftif wealm ol ilia laai will an1 aja- ilia tll iltaiaj llialr abruiltu anl uruauiaa aimiaamj anil damltlhu wlluful aiild olaluia i aritauuri ol llialr olaluis lubuimil ol lhair i amouui bui lba ualura of lha aaautilla if i any hard bylhau aulfuillirala nollaa llial alir lunh lait jiu t u mhraiilru will b- la duuujiil llio iiuu ol iha diaaaaij a tha xriu fuiltu1 tiimln havlu lalv totliaauluiaol whlili aha aiiall lban uim iiid tlial iw aaldlcxmqula will ealju dunuiut llio uuu ol t ianmnatii pardon v hava uojloa and n ii oi lu labia for tha aau aiwir or any iiarl iharaor to auy luraau or iraoua of whoa rlaliiiu ivotl tli nil bill tiara ud vmlvd by liar at ttiailiuaotiuou riutiliilui a j uirulsivon hallcluirfia uliartollatllaib palajltui liii day tt auaimt iuu uo 0giravlngjg new wonder land theatre fllloav deo 17 iilin llxriymura in a you mia on a wtih by vhilai miiriln lliaall lint in yuiirw wlilla yuuar mondavdco co icplaoilo t nf lit miulur kov wkdnulidav duo 0b plmmla jnni uiphilm nf n in- uadhhdihun dn bb and a jmiia kaaninmr gnnrl mr d waitaaiuifd croitly ami their llck n ua uin lut ai ivomlaiund in hlh cubr vauilei i admtiilon lor above two nhihia jih anil ion l gregory



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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.